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Turn scattered information
into noise-free intelligence

Wipe out the stress of missing important information and the time spent organizing it. Get right to relevant information with AI to do your best work.

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Wipe out the stress of missing important information and the time spent organizing it

Needl makes it easy for you to get right to the relevant information you need to do your best work, even when the information is scattered across multiple apps and ecosystems. 

One destination for all your data streams

A unified view of updates from multiple information sources with AI: 
auto-refreshed and auto-organized.

AI-organized information in one place

  • Your trusted apps - Gmail, Twitter, drives, chat applications, note-taking applications, YouTube and more
  • RSS feeds from your favorite news, blogs, YouTube channels, and podcasts
  • Regulatory sites like SEC, PCAOBUS, FRED, NSE, Bombay Stock Exchange, and SEBI.

Auto-backup to never lose any data

  • Keep your data on the cloud, not on your devices, and reduce digital footprint
  • No matter where or in what form you received it, autosaves it for you, and makes it searchable
  • No need to download files or delete irrelevant ones from different apps to save storage.

Connect only what you need

  • Connect only the contacts, folders, and notebooks that you wish to see 
  • Keep your private and professional life separate by choosing what content you want to view in your workspace
  • Select the folders or files that interest you from your drives or note taking apps.

Unify contacts across multiple apps with AI

  • Our AI-powered social graph identifies all contacts across apps. A single person across various apps is allocated a single identity
  • Assign priorities to your contacts and let AI highlight the high-value contacts by amplifying their messages more than the rest
  • Find specific messages with deep search across apps for increased accessibility.

Ask Needl

Find needle in a haystack
across apps, websites or drives
with AI-powered search.

Get intelligent answers from your trusted data

  • Ask questions in everyday language, just like consulting an expert
  • Link various public and proprietary data sources like emails, drives, chats, YouTube, RSS feeds, SEC, Sebi, BSE and more
  • Get summarized answers that point to the original data source and easily share with colleagues on email, Slack, Teams & more.

Extract insights instantly with on-demand summarization

AI-powered algorithms analyze text structures, generate meaningful summaries, and seamlessly integrate into your workflow.

AI-driven summarization

  • Extract key insights from conference calls, reports and documents, saving valuable time and effort
  • leverages cutting-edge AI models to get accurate and concise summaries, enabling efficient information extraction
  • Check citations and references in summarized documents to refer back the main document for additional context
  • Seamlessly integrated with's core features, revisit summaries and leverage search and question-answering capabilities.

Get actionable insights

  • Conference Call Summarization: Extract key sections, business insights, and metrics from conference call transcripts, eliminating noise and providing citations for additional context
  • Annual Report Summarization: Efficiently navigate lengthy annual reports to capture financial highlights, strategic initiatives, and performance metrics for informed decision-making. Coming soon!
  • Analyst Report Summarization: Stay updated on market trends and investment recommendations with concise summaries of analyst reports, unlocking hidden opportunities. Coming soon!

Simplify complex information into actionable summaries

  • Extract key sections like financial performance. business updates, future guidance, outlook, and Q&A Insights from conference call transcripts to generate meaningful summaries
  • Summarization models learn from vast datasets to ensure accuracy and relevance in the generated summaries
  • Seamlessly integrate summarization capabilities into your workflow, empowering you to access critical insights instantly.

One search

Find needle in a haystack across apps, websites or drives with AI-powered search.

Deep search with advanced filters

  • You can search for keywords within the content from all your sources like documents, media, presentations, scanned pdfs, and even newspaper clippings
  • Preview where all the keywords appear in the search results, without opening the link
  • Use sophisticated filters to get hyper-focused results.

Make your search universe unified

  • Make your private content, and non searchable public content also appear in your search universe i.e. - exchanges, Twitter and more 
  • Use filters to get hyper-focused results - not driven by popularity of results by search engines but by your set priorities.

Comprehensive search capabilities

  • Semantic search across various sources including documents, media files, and scanned PDFs
  • Automated synonym detection expands the search scope for more comprehensive results
  • The preview feature highlights keyword appearances in search results for relevance assessment.

Tailored search experience

  • Sophisticated filters for refining search results and narrowing down the focus
  • Integration of social graph priorities and personalized preferences for tailored search
  • Hyper-focused information retrieval aligned with individual user interests and priorities.

Curated feeds

You have the power to define the logic of the feeds you want to view. Simply select the keywords, sources, and priorities.

Auto-organized streaming feeds

  • Convert frequently searched topics into auto-refreshed feeds
  • Stay constantly updated on topics you care about by creating contextual feeds
  • Give priority to the sources to never miss an important update and remove the noise from irrelevant sources.

Effortlessly track relevant topics 

  • Give priority to the sources in order of your preference to never miss an important update 
  • Real-time tracking of companies, peer sets, industries, trends, personalities, and research topics
  • AI-generated categories of your research reports by company, sector, author institution, etc., so you don’t have to spend time organizing your data.

Process information

Get right to business by making your information come alive with AI-assisted format conversions, call summarizations and more.

Clip and convert your data to any format

AI-powered extraction and conversion of text/table from PDF/images.

Analyze sentiment with AI

Analyze earnings call transcripts with positive and negative sentiment and access AI-powered summarizations.

Note taking 

Take notes without constant app switching. Just click and embed diverse content formats like chats, tweets, or links into a note, and then start adding ideas to it.

AI-powered document classification's advanced AI algorithms accurately categorizes analyst's documents into distinct categories such as annual reports, conference calls, and books.

Share and collaborate

Centralize team interactions and feedback on the same platform where the information is shared through comments, tags, and much more.

Monitor and analyze regulatory filings with ease

Filter high-frequency, high-velocity stock exchange data to eliminate noise with AI-powered classification, contextual feeds, and centralized access to regulatory information.

Enterprise controls

Find needle in a haystack
across apps, websites or drives
with AI-powered search.

Monitor all users and teams from a single place

  • Add or remove users from the organization with admin access to ensure proper user management
  • View complete usage and storage of users, allowing efficient monitoring of resources, via admin dashboard
  • Create feed templates with admin access and publish feeds to the organization for streamlined collaboration.

Chrome Extension

Find needle in a haystack
across apps, websites or drives
with AI-powered search.

Simplify your data collection from websites

  • Save content from any website with just a few clicks. Whether it's a snippet of text or an entire web page in reader mode, you can effortlessly add it to your Needl Drive.
  • Keep public information for later use and enhance it with your own input. Incorporate these clips into your notes and ensure your content is readily available alongside your other real-time information.
  • Add these web clips to your feeds and share them with peers. Seamlessly collaborate on pieces of public content by commenting and tagging relevant team members.