About us

Our goal is to help you conquer information overload, and amplify the right signals that bring true business value

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About us

Our goal is to organize and stitch your information to make it universally accessible and useful.

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Our Mission

Our mission is to provide you with the tools to make all your information, no matter the source, useful, organized, accessible, and shareable.

Our Inspiration

Needl was born out of a burning need of our founders, a need that arose from the massive increase in data via multiple communication applications, devices and the boom of the internet. This increase in data resulted in massive efforts and time taken to save, organize, retrieve and analyze it, thus resulting in productivity loss.

Our Vision

Needl aims to transform how you and your teams manage and collaborate on data. Needl unifies unstructured data obtained across apps, devices, and private and public sources into a single repository and unified view. This seamless experience of all your data in one place is securely backed up with a host of cloud computing processes and user-defined interfaces built to analyze and share – transforming how you and your team work and collaborate!


CEO and Co-Founder

PHD from UC, San Diego, Adjunct Professor IISC, Ex Director - Data Engineering Target, Ex Director Bell Labs, Ex. Assistant professor NUS Singapore.



BS. Electronics Engineering, Partner - Founder Oaklane Capital, Value investor for almost three decades and has advised many for profit and non-profit enterprises on a wide range of board level issues related to growth strategy, finance, capital markets and financial decision making.


Hello Everyone
Welcome to Needl!

Needl's mission is to organize & stitch your data to make it accessible & useful. This is an application that Kuntal and I hold dear to us and was born out of a deep personal need. This is a product that we believe is critical currently, where each of us is getting inundated with large volume and variety of data for our professional lives from both private and public sources.

If you have clogged inboxes, WhatsApp messages, google drive storage across several email ids and you are still without a clue as to where to find that specific document or message this is the right solution for you. If you are a data-intensive knowledge worker and enhancing your productivity and time savings appeal to you, then we might be of immense interest to you.

More the apps, more the time sifting, searching, and processing data. A lot of your productive time is gone in data management and directory structures tend to get out of control very soon. I know this is something we all face daily.

We started building Needl with a simple goal and that is to free large parts of your time from the mundane data management, so you have the time to enhance your productivity and make the best business decisions.

Needl is the one-stop data management solution that collates and stitches your data seamlessly from all the gazillions apps and allows you to search and process your data across those apps. Needl aims to help users by giving the convenience of a single data repository across private and public sources. Also, Needl will allow the customers to work across this collated data within the same app using the best of cloud computing features without the need of leaving the platform or copy/paste data from one app to another to access a feature available elsewhere.

This is an ambitious goal we have embarked on. As a technopreneur, I am super excited about building Needl, which solves extremely hard and challenging technology problems.

Welcome on board and, I hope you love Needl as much as we enjoy creating it for you!


Amplify your data signals - search, curate and collaborate!
Contact Sales

Free training & 24-hour support

Serious about security & privacy

Highest levels of uptime

Solutions for your most important workflows

A single knowledge repository & unified view of all public and private data made possible using cloud infrastructure, stored securely and accessible anywhere, anytime.

Wipe out the stress of missing important information and the time spent organizing it

Needl makes it easy for you to get right to the relevant information you need to do your best work, even when the information is scattered across multiple apps and ecosystems. 

One destination for all your data streams

A unified view of updates from multiple information sources in one place -  auto-refreshed and

All information on one screen

  • RSS feeds from your favorite news, blogs, youtube channels, and podcasts.
  • Regulatory sites like SEC, PCAOBUS, FRED, Bombay Stock Exchange, and SEBI.
  • Your trusted apps - Gmail, Twitter, drives, chat applications, note-taking applications, Youtube and more.

Auto-backup to never lose any data

  • Emails, messages, and files you receive are auto-backed up in the cloud
  • No matter where or in what form you received it, Needl.ai autosaves it for you forever and makes it searchable
  • No need to download files or delete irrelevant ones from different apps to save storage

Connect only what you need

  • Connect only the contacts, folders, and notebooks that you wish to see 
  • You can choose to pick any contacts, groups, or channels from chat apps you want to stay updated on. 
  • Select the folders or files that interest you from your drives or note taking apps

Unify contacts by Social Graphs

  • One person is assigned one identity on Needl irrespective of their contact location from Email, Twitter, Whatsapp, Slack or Telegram
  • Assign priorities to your contact according to what’s important to you.
  • Have high-priority contacts amplified when you search, and your query remains time agnostic

Advanced search

Hyper-personalized search for any data that you want to see across or within apps, websites or drives

Deep Search with advanced filters

  • You can search for keywords within the content from all your sources like documents, media, presentations, scanned pdf and even newspaper clippings.
  • Preview where all the keywords appear in the search results, without opening the link. 
  • Sophisticated filters to get hyper-focused results 

Make your search universe unified

  • Make your private content and non searchable public content also appear in your search universe i.e. - exchanges, Twitter and more. 
  • Use filters to get hyper-focused results - not driven by popularity of results by search engines but by your set priorities

Share and Collaborate

Stay on the same page with your team, peers or customers by sharing insights as individual items, feeds, or entire data streams